Chairman   -  Mr. Sumith Abeysinghe

Mr. Abeysinghe who began his career as a Probationary Lecturer in Geography at the University of Kelaniya in 1972 subsequently joined the Sri Lanka Administrative Service in 1974. During the first 4 years of public service, he served as Divisional Assistant Government Agent (position equivalent to the present Divisional Secretary) in Western Giruwa Paththuwa, Hambantota District and also served concurrently as the Special Commissioner of Beliatta Town Council as well as the Chairman of the Divisional Development Co-operative Society setup for the implementation of the 5 year plan 1972-1976 at Divisional level.
In 1977 he joined the Ministry of Finance & Planning and held senior positions such as the Director Fiscal Policy & Economic Affairs, the Director General National Budget, the Deputy Secretary to Treasury and finally as the Secretary, Ministry of Finance & Planning. During the period he served in the Ministry of Finance & Planning he also served as an Ex-Officio member of the Monetary Board of Central Bank, Finance Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, Insurance Board of Sri Lanka, Bank of Ceylon, Sri Lanka Tea Board and many other semi government institutions representing the Treasury.
In 2009 he was appointed as the Secretary to the Cabinet of Ministers and served in that capacity continuously for 10 years covering two regimes.
During December 2019 – February 2020 he served as the Chairman of the Committee appointed to assess the suitability of persons to be appointed as Heads of institutions in public sector. He was appointed as the Chairman of the Finance Commission on 03.12.2020 and re- appointed to the same position on 02.05.2023 by the Hon. President on the recommendation of the Constitutional Council.
Mr. Abeysinghe holds B.A.(Hons.) Degree in Geography from the University of Kelaniya and Master of Economics Degree from the University of New England, Australia.

Ex Officio Member , Dr. P. Nandalal Weerasinghe - Governor Central Bank

Ex Officio Member   - Mr. K M Mahinda Siriwardana , Secretary to the Treasury

Member   - Mr. T. Naleen Ossen

member Mr.T.Naleen Ossen started his career as an Audit Examiner in the Department of Auditor General in 1989. He completed his Basic Degree in BSC Public Administration at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, he holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Management at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, MPM in Project Management School of Postgraduate Studies Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA), Chartered Public Finance Accountant (CPFA) Institute of Chartered Accounts of Sri Lanka.

In 1991 he joined the Sri Lanka Accountants Service. During his Sri Lanka Accountants service career, he served as an Accountant Provincial Ministry of Education in North Central Province, as Project Accountant for Swedish funded Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) in North Central Province, Project Accountant for World Bank, and World Food Programme funded North Central Province Participatory Rural Development Project (NCP PRDP). He has thirteen years (13) experience in North Central Province as an Accountant.

He has also served as Deputy Director Department of Treasury Operations, Director Department of Public Finance, Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) Department of Customs, and Additional Director General Department of State Accounts. He has fourteen (14) years of experience in the General Treasury Ministry of Finance.

He also served as COVID 19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project (CERHSP Project) Ministry of Health and Project Director COVID 19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project (CERHSP Project) Ministry of Health

Mr. M.Vamadevan (Member- Finance Commission)

Mr. M. Vamadevan, a member of the Finance Commission, was born in Kotagala in 1945 and completed his early education at Highlands College, Hatton, in the Nuwara Eliya district(1951-1963). He pursued higher studies, earning a B.A. (Hons.) degree from the Universityof Ceylon in 1969, an M.A. from Leeds University, U.K., in 1975, and an M.Phil. fromJawaharlal Nehru University, India, in 1987.

His career spanned 33 years (1970-2003) in the Planning and Finance Ministry, where he held several positions, and while working as an Additional Director General at the Department of National Planning, he was promoted to Secretary of the Ministry of Community Development, followed by the Ministry of Estate Housing, Infrastructure, and Community Development. After his retirement in 2005, Mr. Vamadevan served as an advisor to various ministries, including Resettlement and Rehabilitation, as well as Hill Country New Villages Infrastructure and Community Development (2015-2020). He also contributed as a member to the National Procurement Commission during this period.

In addition to his government service, Mr. Vamadevan undertook consultancy assignments for international organizations like NORAD, UNDP, and the ILO, as well as local NGOs. He has a deep interest in the development issues of the plantation community, and his research on the subject has resulted in the publication of several articles in journals and magazines, along with six books—five in Tamil and one in English.

His work has also taken him to various countries on official assignments.